Fathers with Daughters
Daughters with Fathers
anyone who knows one...

"Daddy, Are You Proud of Me? "

Fathers with Daughters
Daughters with Fathers
or anyone who knows one...

"Daddy, Are You Proud of Me? "

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*Make sure to read about the bonus audiobook opportunity*

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"As a father, this wonderful book will help you increase your daughter's self-esteem, confidence and joy, while helping you increase your own happiness and emotional control. Rarely do books have such concrete and implementable teachings that you can literally act upon today, but after reading Sean's book, I instantly put several of his concepts into practice with my own stepdaughter. I know you will enjoy reading it too."

~ Jack Canfield
Co-Author, Chicken Soup for the Soul series

Over 500 million books sold
Founder of Self-Esteem Seminars

"This book is a parenting masterpiece that helps dads protect the self-esteem, confidence & joy of their baby girls. And it helps all women heal their masculine wounds and restore their connection to their daddies, their value and most importantly themselves. It's a MUST READ for everyone!"

~ Lisa Nichols
World Renowned Speaker
New York Times Best-Selling Author
CEO of Motivating the Masses, Inc.

Welcome to my life's work.

This book is the culmination of nearly 18 years of personal development, coaching & training people from all over the world, mostly female entrepreneurs. As I've been supporting these women in their quest for success in all areas, the conversation nearly always ended up in one place... self-esteem.

With deeper dissection, it nearly always landed on one relationship... dad.

And primarily, one question...

"Daddy, are you proud of me?"

As every woman will tell you, the daddy / daughter relationship is extremely tender and immensely important for the healthy self esteem and confidence of girls at every stage of life.

One day I was telling a friend of mine that somebody needs to write a book for dads, letting them know how critical their role is in shaping their daughters' confidence and self-esteem. She leaned in and said,

"Sean, that's YOUR book to write."

So here we are years later, and this sacred work is being birthed into the world. It's really exciting, a bit unnerving, but mostly NECESSARY.

While the concepts, conversations and tips apply to all relationships across all genders, this book is written specifically as a guide for fathers with daughters. It also serves as a healing work for women of all ages.


Forward the receipt of your purchase to Sean@CoachSeanSmith.com and I will send you the raw, unedited behind-the-scenes audios of the unreleased audiobook recording!

I created the entire audiobook in front of a live audience online, with constant Q&A plus additional discussions. Many of those conversations go much deeper than what I covered in the book.

For no additional cost, while this bonus is still being offered, you'll hear me read the book (lots of tears!) and answer questions from the listeners.

“Daddy, Are You Proud of Me?”  Before I read a single page, the title stirred my soul. While it was a question I desperately wanted the answer to, it was one I wouldn’t dare ask directly because I was scared to hear his answer. As a woman who looked successful on the outside, but felt unworthy on the inside, this book allowed me to more deeply understand the impetus of my self-sabotage and release so much of the shame that had been driving my obsession with perfect performance. The coolest part has been how much I have healed in my relationship with my Dad without ever needing to have a conversation with him about any of it. I am now able to see myself, see my Dad, and see our relationship through the lenses of understanding, compassion, and love. This book says what needs to be said, and yet delivers it in a way that leaves the reader feeling seen, heard, included, acknowledged, and understood."

Michelle Moore
Neuro-Transformational Coach

"Daddy, Are You Proud of Me? is an absolute must read for every father. Every chapter is worth the price of this entire book. It is the blueprint for raising daughters who grow up with a healthy self-esteem. If every parent (yes, mother's should read this book too) with daughters of every age read this book, our world would be a better place. This should be the book everyone buys right after 'What to Expect When You Are Expecting."

Tandy Elisala (R.I.P.)

"This book will change your life. Healing my relationship with my Papa freed me from a 6,000 pound weight that was crushing my spirit. And my freedom released him too. He died with peace in his heart because our connection was completely restored in his final few years. The liberation that has given me is impossible to put into words. It even led to healing the relationship with my sister that I truly thought would never happen in my lifetime. Read this book for yourself and then gift one to everybody you care about. It's truly that powerful."  

Danita Sajous
Neuro-Transformational Coach

About the Author, Sean Smith  

Sean Smith is a father of 2 and husband of 1. He's also an author, poet, actor, coach & worldwide speaker.

He has been a leader in the personal development field for over 17 years, having trained hundreds of thousands of people to overcome their fears and live a life of radical authenticity, joy, success and fulfillment. But out of all the topics he teaches, he is most passionate about parenting because of its long term impact on our kids.

The majority of his clients through the years have been women, with their primary challenge being low confidence & self-esteem. After years and years of learning about the direct connection between a girl's self-worth and her relationship with her father, he finally put all of that experience into this book.

This book is a guide for fathers to help restore and protect their daughters' self-esteem, but it has also become a healing journey for women who want to liberate themselves emotionally, mentally and spiritually from many of the challenges that most women face.

Sean is the CEO and founder of Elite Success Systems, where his mission is to empower people with the tools to get rid of their fears so they can aggressively pursue their dreams and live their lives with passion, purpose and presence.

Sean has published over 3,000 articles, audios and videos on nearly all aspects of human behavior. He has appeared on all major TV networks. He is a 2-time TEDx performer. His YouTube videos have over 1,000,000 views. He is the winner of "North America's Next Greatest Speaker."

He's also a pretty fun dad.